nekop's blog

OpenShift / JBoss / WildFly / Infinispanの中の人


OpenShift 全部俺 Advent Calendar 2017

minishiftで環境ができたので、アプリケーションをビルドして動作させてみましょう。使うのはソースからコンテナイメージをビルドするs2i (source to image)と呼ばれるビルド方式です。


$ oc whoami
$ oc status
In project My Project (myproject) on server

You have no services, deployment configs, or build configs.
Run 'oc new-app' to create an application.



$ oc login -u nekop
Authentication required for (openshift)
Username: nekop
Login successful.

You don't have any projects. You can try to create a new project, by running

    oc new-project <projectname>

$ oc new-project test-ruby
Now using project "test-ruby" on server "".

You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:

    oc new-app centos/ruby-22-centos7~

to build a new example application in Ruby.

アプリケーションのソースコードを指定してoc new-appを発行します。SinatraというRubyのWebフレームワークで書いたHello Worldのアプリ を指定しています。

$ oc new-app
--> Found image a6f8569 (10 days old) in image stream "openshift/ruby" under tag "2.4" for "ruby"

    Ruby 2.4 
    Ruby 2.4 available as docker container is a base platform for building and running various Ruby 2.4 applications and frameworks. Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

    Tags: builder, ruby, ruby24, rh-ruby24

    * The source repository appears to match: ruby
    * A source build using source code from will be created
      * The resulting image will be pushed to image stream "hello-sinatra:latest"
      * Use 'start-build' to trigger a new build
    * This image will be deployed in deployment config "hello-sinatra"
    * Port 8080/tcp will be load balanced by service "hello-sinatra"
      * Other containers can access this service through the hostname "hello-sinatra"

--> Creating resources ...
    imagestream "hello-sinatra" created
    buildconfig "hello-sinatra" created
    deploymentconfig "hello-sinatra" created
    service "hello-sinatra" created
--> Success
    Build scheduled, use 'oc logs -f bc/hello-sinatra' to track its progress.
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose svc/hello-sinatra' 
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.


状況を確認するコマンドはいろいろあります。oc status, oc get all, oc logs, oc get eventなどです。細かい説明は後日やります。たぶん。

$ oc status 
In project test-ruby on server

svc/hello-sinatra -
  dc/hello-sinatra deploys istag/hello-sinatra:latest <-
    bc/hello-sinatra source builds on openshift/ruby:2.4 
      build #1 running for 22 seconds - cf28c79: Add index.html (Takayoshi Kimura <>)
    deployment #1 waiting on image or update

View details with 'oc describe <resource>/<name>' or list everything with 'oc get all'.

$ oc get all
NAME                         TYPE      FROM      LATEST
buildconfigs/hello-sinatra   Source    Git       1

NAME                     TYPE      FROM          STATUS    STARTED          DURATION
builds/hello-sinatra-1   Source    Git@cf28c79   Running   48 seconds ago   

NAME                         DOCKER REPO                               TAGS      UPDATED

NAME                              REVISION   DESIRED   CURRENT   TRIGGERED BY
deploymentconfigs/hello-sinatra   0          1         0         config,image(hello-sinatra:latest)

NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
po/hello-sinatra-1-build   1/1       Running   0          48s

NAME                CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
svc/hello-sinatra   <none>        8080/TCP   48s

$ oc logs hello-sinatra-1-build -f
---> Installing application source ...
---> Building your Ruby application from source ...
---> Running 'bundle install --deployment --without development:test' ...
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Installing rake 11.1.2
Installing power_assert 0.2.7
Installing rack 1.6.4
Installing tilt 2.0.2
Using bundler 1.13.7
Installing test-unit 3.1.8
Installing rack-protection 1.5.3
Installing rack-test 0.6.3
Installing sinatra 1.4.7
Bundle complete! 4 Gemfile dependencies, 9 gems now installed.
Gems in the groups development and test were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into ./bundle.
---> Cleaning up unused ruby gems ...
Running `bundle clean   --verbose` with bundler 1.13.7
Found no changes, using resolution from the lockfile
/opt/app-root/src/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/ext/fixnum.rb:4: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
Pushing image ...
Pushed 0/10 layers, 0% complete
Pushed 1/10 layers, 14% complete
Pushed 2/10 layers, 25% complete
Pushed 3/10 layers, 31% complete
Pushed 4/10 layers, 43% complete
Pushed 5/10 layers, 53% complete
Pushed 6/10 layers, 65% complete
Pushed 7/10 layers, 75% complete
Pushed 8/10 layers, 84% complete
Pushed 9/10 layers, 99% complete
Pushed 10/10 layers, 100% complete
Push successful

$ oc get event
LASTSEEN   FIRSTSEEN   COUNT     NAME                     KIND                    SUBOBJECT                                TYPE      REASON                     SOURCE                        MESSAGE
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                                                              Normal    Scheduled                  default-scheduler             Successfully assigned hello-sinatra-1-build to localhost
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                                                              Normal    SuccessfulMountVolume      kubelet, localhost            MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "crio-socket" 
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                                                              Normal    SuccessfulMountVolume      kubelet, localhost            MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "buildworkdir" 
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                                                              Normal    SuccessfulMountVolume      kubelet, localhost            MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "docker-socket" 
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                                                              Normal    SuccessfulMountVolume      kubelet, localhost            MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "builder-dockercfg-2g5jw-push" 
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                                                              Normal    SuccessfulMountVolume      kubelet, localhost            MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "builder-token-q8h4n" 
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.initContainers{git-clone}           Normal    Pulling                    kubelet, localhost            pulling image "openshift/origin-sti-builder:v3.7.0"
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.initContainers{git-clone}           Normal    Pulled                     kubelet, localhost            Successfully pulled image "openshift/origin-sti-builder:v3.7.0"
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.initContainers{git-clone}           Normal    Created                    kubelet, localhost            Created container
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.initContainers{git-clone}           Normal    Started                    kubelet, localhost            Started container
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.initContainers{manage-dockerfile}   Normal    Pulled                     kubelet, localhost            Container image "openshift/origin-sti-builder:v3.7.0" already present on machine
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.initContainers{manage-dockerfile}   Normal    Created                    kubelet, localhost            Created container
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.initContainers{manage-dockerfile}   Normal    Started                    kubelet, localhost            Started container
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.containers{sti-build}               Normal    Pulled                     kubelet, localhost            Container image "openshift/origin-sti-builder:v3.7.0" already present on machine
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.containers{sti-build}               Normal    Created                    kubelet, localhost            Created container
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1-build    Pod                     spec.containers{sti-build}               Normal    Started                    kubelet, localhost            Started container
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-deploy   Pod                                                              Normal    Scheduled                  default-scheduler             Successfully assigned hello-sinatra-1-deploy to localhost
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-deploy   Pod                                                              Normal    SuccessfulMountVolume      kubelet, localhost            MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "deployer-token-82bmt" 
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-deploy   Pod                     spec.containers{deployment}              Normal    Pulled                     kubelet, localhost            Container image "openshift/origin-deployer:v3.7.0" already present on machine
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-deploy   Pod                     spec.containers{deployment}              Normal    Created                    kubelet, localhost            Created container
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-deploy   Pod                     spec.containers{deployment}              Normal    Started                    kubelet, localhost            Started container
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-deploy   Pod                     spec.containers{deployment}              Normal    Killing                    kubelet, localhost            Killing container with id docker://deployment:Need to kill Pod
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5    Pod                                                              Normal    Scheduled                  default-scheduler             Successfully assigned hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5 to localhost
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5    Pod                                                              Normal    SuccessfulMountVolume      kubelet, localhost            MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-fhb4l" 
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5    Pod                     spec.containers{hello-sinatra}           Normal    Pulling                    kubelet, localhost            pulling image ""
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5    Pod                     spec.containers{hello-sinatra}           Normal    Pulled                     kubelet, localhost            Successfully pulled image ""
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5    Pod                     spec.containers{hello-sinatra}           Normal    Created                    kubelet, localhost            Created container
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5    Pod                     spec.containers{hello-sinatra}           Normal    Started                    kubelet, localhost            Started container
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra-1          Build                                                            Normal    BuildStarted               build-controller              Build test-ruby/hello-sinatra-1 is now running
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1          Build                                                            Normal    BuildCompleted             build-controller              Build test-ruby/hello-sinatra-1 completed successfully
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra-1          ReplicationController                                            Normal    SuccessfulCreate           replication-controller        Created pod: hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5
2m         2m          1         hello-sinatra            BuildConfig                                                      Warning   BuildConfigTriggerFailed   buildconfig-controller        error triggering Build for BuildConfig test-ruby/hello-sinatra: Internal error occurred: build config test-ruby/hello-sinatra has already instantiated a build for imageid centos/ruby-24-centos7@sha256:905b51254a455c716892314ef3a029a4b9a4b1e832a9a1518783577f115956fd
1m         1m          1         hello-sinatra            DeploymentConfig                                                 Normal    DeploymentCreated          deploymentconfig-controller   Created new replication controller "hello-sinatra-1" for version 1

$ oc get pod
NAME                    READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
hello-sinatra-1-build   0/1       Completed   0          1m
hello-sinatra-1-jxqm5   1/1       Running     0          25s


oc new-appコマンドでは外部アクセス用のRouteは自動的に作成されないので、作成してアクセスしてみます。

$ oc expose svc hello-sinatra
route "hello-sinatra" exposed
$ oc get route
NAME            HOST/PORT                                       PATH      SERVICES        PORT       TERMINATION   WILDCARD
hello-sinatra             hello-sinatra   8080-tcp                 None
$ curl
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

あれれ、エラーになりましたね。どうやらminishiftがデフォルトで利用するDNSサービスの が落ちているようです。とりあえずは同種のサービスである に変更してみましょう。

$ oc delete route hello-sinatra
route "hello-sinatra" deleted
$ oc expose svc hello-sinatra --hostname
route "hello-sinatra" exposed
$ oc get route
NAME            HOST/PORT                                       PATH      SERVICES        PORT       TERMINATION   WILDCARD
hello-sinatra             hello-sinatra   8080-tcp                 None
$ curl


一連の操作はWebコンソール上のGUIでも可能です。minishift consoleコマンドでブラウザ上でWebコンソールが開くようになっています。